Erica Marie Hogan
author : Erica Marie HoganFrom as far back as she can remember, Erica Marie Hogan loved to write. When she was a little girl she adored make believe, but gradually her imagination became too big to restrict it to playtime and so, she wrote.\n\nErica was born and raised for nine years on Orient Point, Long Island, New York. After that she moved with her family to Virginia and, finally, to Texas where she now lives. She was homeschooled, is an avid reader, and a member of American Christian Fiction Writers. She lives to plot new stories, enjoys a good tear-jerker, and chocolate is her cure for any ailment. Once a month Erica publishes a post on her blog, By the Book: Diary of a Bookaholic, where she shares her experiences with writing and, occasionally, a book review. She is represented by Jim Hart of Hartline Literary Agency.\n\nErica’s wish is to continue to write stories that not only drop her readers into the middle of historical time periods, but also to show the ability to rise up out of adversity and tragedy in hope, faith, love, and strength. When it comes to genre, she has no limits.\n\nThe Lost Generation is Erica’s debut novel. It was long listed in the 2017 INSPY Awards and nominated for the Christian Retailing’s Best Awards. View more >>Erica Marie Hogan Book Series